I copied this post from my previous blog. This post is about some ideas for helping the the cause of NoSQL and Neo4j education. The purpose of this (longish) post is to jot down my ideas about education of Neo4j in it's community. This post is in response to an irc/online meeetup called on Sep 12th 6th 2012. I have been involved with Neo4j community for almost a year now. It all started with me attending Goto Aarhus 2010 as a student volunteer/crew. Since then I have been trying to learn more about the subject of Neo4j and NOSQL for my personal and professional use. I am by no means an expert in Neo4j, or in spreading knowledge (pedagogy). But as a loud mouth trouble maker I do have some opinions/ideas of my own. There are many aspects of Neo4j that I am interested in ( Cypher being one, Spring-Data integration being other). But one topic that I am deeply interest...
tech, travel, conferences, star trek, politics, design, with a few programming tips and tutorials.